Friday, January 31, 2014

The Truth About Abortion

I have written a book, but, I simply must get this off my chest... It is quite long, but explains my viewpoint on a very important topic...
My soapbox today has to deal with abortion. I fail to see how women or anyone else for that matter sees this as a choice. It is murder, people, and anyone who says differently is wrong. Let's see how the SPCA would react if I were to use the same logic on a female dog that I own to remove her unborn puppies from her. Here are a couple of arguments from the libtards that justify it.

1.  How can you justify killing of people on death row, yet be upset about abortion?
    The baby inside the mother's belly has been convicted of no crime. The person on death row has. The Bible says if you kill someone, you need to be put to death, plain and simple. INNOCENT babies are being slaughtered without a trial, and therefore, it is wrong.

2.  (said with sarcasm)It makes sense for you to force unwanted pregnancies and cut benefits.
    If you don't want a child, DO NOT HAVE SEX. That makes perfect sense. I know that if I put my hand into a pot of boiling hot water, I WILL burn myself severely. Killing my unborn child because I chose to have sex makes just about as much sense as cutting my child's throat because I put my hand in the pot of hot water. If you DO get pregnant, there IS another option. It's called ADOPTION. Give the child life and then adopt him or her out. It would be a hard choice, but living with the realization that you killed your child would be doubly hard.
    I am not saying do away with birth control. I got a vasectomy to prevent reproduction, but here is a realization that everyone must come to: BIRTH CONTROL FAILS!!! Again, accept responsibility for the failure either of the product or your simple FFI.

3.  What about rape victims?
    What about them? Is taking an innocent life going to negate the fact that they got raped? NO! Here again, if she decides that she doesn't want the child, there are MILLIONS of people that DO want a child, and wouldn't care about the circumstances.

4.  What about mental retardation?
    Let's address this: Are you getting the abortion for convenience or to have mercy on the child? When it comes down to it, 99% of people don't care about the child. They think "Oh, no, I have a retarded child to take care of." This is plain and simple messed up logic. Accept the fact that the child is imperfect and move on, because HUMANS ARE IMPERFECT CREATURES REGARDLESS OF THEIR LEVEL OF INTELLIGENCE!!! Here again, ADOPTION is a better option than ABORTION.

5.  What about the life of the mother?
    Yes, the mother does have a right to life, and it's tough. If I were a woman, I would look at it this way: I've had my chance at life. Save my child if possible, and if you can, save me too. If not, life goes on for my child at least. I can't speak for anyone else, but, after my ex wife miscarried, I realized that if something were to happen to one of my children, I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing that every attempt to save them wasn't exhausted.

The physical, emotional, and spiritual ramifications are certainly not worth the price of destroying a life in a legalized murder scheme called abortion.

On the spiritual end, in God's eyes, abortion is murder. The doctors that committed the abortions, as well as the parents of the unborn child, if they don't repent and turn from their ways will stand before God for the slaughter of those innocent children.  I don't judge these doctors, I pity them.

On the physical side, there are lots of cases of women unable to reproduce even after one abortion, and they regret the choice they made to have one, and lots of cases, too, where a woman needed medical treatment after an abortion to repair damage to her insides.

On the emotional end, there are countless women who wonder what their unborn child would look like. As stated before, my ex-wife miscarried at half term in 2003, and I wonder what my son would look like today. I know a few women that have had abortions that wonder what their child would look like, how their personality would be, what they would be when they grew up, and I know one girl that had an abortion that killed herself because she could no longer live with what she had done to her child.